

In CRiSDA, a climate risk perspective is applied to climate services in order to lay the foundations for climate risk services. This service should enable and support successful climate risk management. This will be designed using the example of drought.


In order to identify needs and requirements in the best possible way, the CRiSDA project places a special focus on the integration of users. This was already done during the development of the research proposal and continues throughout the entire project as part of a co-creation process. A package of methods is being developed for this purpose, which can be transferred to other climate risk services in the future.


  1. We analyse the current state of climate (risk) services in Austria and conduct a stakeholder mapping in relation to existing governance structures on drought in Austria. Furthermore, we want to identify requirements and possible challenges for climate (risk) services in general and for drought risk in particular.

  2. Together with potential end-users at different levels in Austria, we want to develop a co-creation method to identify end-users’ requirements for a drought climate risk service.

  3. We aim to identify and develop components for an evidence-based and data-driven climate risk service for drought, and integrate this information (including data and information on the risk components hazard, exposure and vulnerability).

  4. We bring together the findings and knowledge and develop recommendations for climate risk services in general to support comprehensive and holistic climate risk management - based on the needs of end-users and decision-makers.

Focus on drought

Our focus is on drought, which will serve as a use case for our research. However, the general findings and questions should help us to identify general requirements for climate risk services. In the best case, our results can be transferred to other hazards and used in the development of other climate risk services.